Latissmus Dorsi Flap Reconstruction
Before & After Photos
Surgeries performed by renowned plastic surgeons of East Coast Advanced Plastic Surgery

Patient Details:
35 year old BRCA+ female undergoing bilateral prophylactic mastectomies desiring breast reconstruction with her own tissue to minimize implant rippling visibility. She was not a candidate for use of her abdominal tissue due to prior surgery. Instead, the latissimus dorsi muscle was used in conjunction with an implant to provide enough soft tissue coverage and minimize implant visibility. While not often the first choice for reconstruction, this option can produce excellent results when preferred options are not available.
Patient Age: 35
Diagnosis: BRCA Gene Mutation
Primary Procedure: Bilateral Total Mastectomy
Breast Reconstruction: Latissmus Dorsi Flap Reconstruction (Pedicle Flap)
Nipple Reconstruction: CV flap, 3-Dimensional Nipple Areolar Complex Tattoo