Hybrid Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator Flap Reconstruction (DIEP)
Before & After Photos
Surgeries performed by renowned plastic surgeons of East Coast Advanced Plastic Surgery
Patient Details:
Bilateral skin sparing mastectomy for breast cancer. There was not enough tissue in the abdomen alone to create similar sized breasts so she underwent a Bilateral Hybrid DIEP using her own abdominal tissue as coverage over a small implant to create natural cancer free breasts. Once she was healed she underwent 3D nipple areola tattoo. Natural symmetric breasts, flat belly, and no cancer.
Patient Age: 59
Primary Procedure: Bilateral Skin Sparing Mastectomy
Breast Reconstruction: Hybrid DIEP (Free Flap Tissue Transfer)
Breast Implant Position: Prepectoral (above the muscle)
Nipple Reconstruction: 3-Dimensional Tattoo
Type of Breast Implant: Silicone Breast Implants
Breast Implant Style: Smooth Round Silicone Gel
Breast Implant Fill: 170cc